"A cartoon at the museum", a week dedicated to the
creation of a cartoon with the stop motion technique, will take place
from 20 to 24 June from 9 to 12.30 and from 14 to 16.30. Possibility of
pre-entry from 8.30 and late exit at 17. For those who wish, packed
lunch in the courtyard of Palazzo Traversa. Reservations are required
(tel. 0172.423880 - mail: traversa@comune.bra.cn.it) and places are
Age range: 7-12 years.
The total cost is 100 euros, and the rate also includes the visit to the Civic Museum of the Press in Mondovì.
Info: City of Bra - Palazzo Traversa
tel. 0172.423880 traversa@comune.bra.cn.it