The necropolis (cemeteries) of Rio Laggera, Cascina Pedaggera, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II developed around the Roman city in the early and middle imperial age (1st-3rd centuries AD). Wealthy families could afford a monumental burial site, e. g. mausoleums. Stone stelae, altars and funerary enclosures, were more common and were usually arranged on the sides of roads to make  them more  visible; constraints could be placed on the area to allow free access to the tomb for worship practices. The stone burial monuments from Pollentia are on display on the ground floor of Palazzo Traversa.
On the second floor hall a selection of funerary equipment, mostly for incinerated with some cases of burial, are displayed while the fragments of frames and a twisted column come from the decorative equipment of the funerary monuments.
In a specific area  some objects from old finds (divided by types) are displayed, they  exemplify various aspects of daily life. Food containers include amphorae used for transport (wine, oil, fish garum sauce), glass, bronze and ceramic tableware ("sealed earth" for dishes and "thin-walled ceramics" for cups and glasses), ollar stone pots, common ceramic bowls and bowls to store food in the kitchen and pantry. We can also see some trerracotta lamps  of various ages and types.
Among the glassware we find, in addition to balsamariums, a cup with the brand of the Syrian glassmaker Ennione, a blue glass cup, a glass; pawns and grains of necklace are in glass paste.
Furnishing elements, studs, keys, bells, a foot-shaped seal with shoe and pins, rings, bracelets, body care tools and mirrors are cast in bronze.